Port of San Diego
Tenant One Percent for Art Program Workbook.
An agonizingly difficult process for tenants, artists and, staff is now as easy as 1. Start 2. Create 3. Finish.
Destination and Environmental Graphic Design
Public policy and bureaucratic brand refresh
System and process management
Public / Private relationship management
Game changer
How might design help to rethink a process everyone dislikes?
Yes, “AGONIZING” is how it was described by one of the Port tenants.
The entire process was a pain point … The dreaded Tenant Percent for Art program was a gazilia-step-paperwork-mound that required way too much time discussing a details rather than creating Pubic Art. .
Let’s actually DESIGN the process. Rather than 13 pages of typed instructions that no one wants to read.
Art is engaging - Let’s cut down on confusion, paperwork, and meetings. Let’s increase the speed of getting art on the waterfront. Let’s make better quality art.
“That about says it. This is going to be difficult and a game changer.”
— Staff
Let’s make people happy. Here is a simple workbook to walk you through T1PA.
The Board of Port Commissioners adopted BPC Policy No. 608 - Tenant Percent for Art whereby tenants, undertaking improvements over $5,000,000 to their leaseholds, shall be required to art allocation no less than 1% of their total project cost